Enti locali e comunità energetiche da fonti rinnovabili Profili civilistici e tributari

Our ECPE project, in collaboration with IFEL, promotes the event "Local authorities and renewable energy communities Civil and tax profiles".  The conference is sponsored by the University of Camerino - School of Law, PhD in 'Legal and social sciences' curriculum Civil Law and Constitutional Legality -, ECPE Project, IFEL Fondazione ANCI, Municipality of Camerino, Anci Marche e Unione Regionale degli Ordini dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili delle Marche. 

The event will take place on 29 November 2022 from 15 to 18. It is possible to follow it both in the presence of the meeting room of the University of Camerino's rectorate and in the following virtual classroom https://unicam.webex.com/meet/roberto.espositoito.

Enti locali e comunità energetiche da fonti rinnovabili Profili civilistici e tributari