International workshop "IAREDI". New real estate law: condominium

Next 7 May Professor Ruggeri will be speech on the event "New real estate law: condominium" organized by the research group on "Real Estate, Registry and Building Law (DERINRE)" from University Carlos III de Madrid and the National Research Project for the Generation of Knowledge "Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the legal regime of building agents". The event is coordinating by Professor Manuel Ignacio Feliu Rey, researcher of the ECPE Project.

We invite you to register and follow the event because the thematic is really important and real actual with the new European legal framework.

Thank to Professor Feliu Rey for the organization of the event. 

It is possible to register for the event partecipation at the following link:



ComoLake Expo Conference 2023-Next Generation Innovations

On 5, 6 and 7 October 2023 Prof.ssa Lucia Ruggeri, Principal Investigator of the ECPE project will be a guest at the ComoLake Expo Conference 2023-Next Generation Innovations. In particular, the intervention is part of the Energy and Sustainability" section where it will present the results of research carried out in this field through the #ECPEProject and ESCOP4Green projects.

For further information:

Comunità Energetiche, Ambiente, Società ed economia

Next 13 June at 9 am (Roma time) will be held the event "Comunità Energetiche, Ambiente, Società ed economia"  at the Auditorium "Porta del Parco" Bagnoli, Via Diocleziano, 343 Naples. 

The event organisers aim to promote the encounter between knowledge and skills between those who work in the energy sector by providing research and technology, who regulates the market and who produces and consumes energy. The encounter will be an occasion of confronts between governmental authorities, representatives of institutions, universities, trade associations, representatives of the world of enterprises and harbour authorities.

Il ruolo delle CER a sostegno della transizione energetica dei Comuni: agricoltura e contrasto alla povertà energetica

Next 5 May will at 10 a.m. (Rome time) will be online the event "Il ruolo delle CER a sostegno della transizione energetica dei Comuni: agricoltura e contrasto alla povertà energetica".

The event focuses on the analysis of energy transition through creation of renewable energy communities (RECs). 
In this analysis, an evaluation will be done of the general regulation of RECs, with a specific focus on the role of sustainable municipalities and third-sector entities, which support the energy transition. 
Further bearing in mind the significance of achieving the energy transition objectives, the issues of efficiency-building and the increasingly significant phenomenon of energy poverty will also be addressed.

You can follow us at he following link:

La sostenibilità come fattore di rischio e di opportunità

Next 20 and 21 April at the "Spazio Europa gestito dall'Ufficio del Parlamento Europeo in Italia e dalla rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione Europea" - via IV Novembre, 149 Roma -, will take place the conference entitled "La sostenibilità come fattore di rischio e di opportunità". During the conference there will be many interventions of researchers who are part of the ECPE project.